Please fill in the form below to be part of 3 Bags Full 2020 Online.
Your full name
Company name
email address
Mobile number
Online presence - so we can link to your website and social media if you have them
Please set out what you are selling online and how, including links to your selling site(s) and to any social media you want people to be aware of. This is the text which will appear on our website to promote your business.
Photos for online use
If you’re offering any sort of discount or promotion linked to 3BF 20 online please set it out here, including what the promotion is, the time period and what people need to do to access it. Again, we’ll use this text directly on the website. If you’re not yet sure about a promotion, no problem. We’ll prompt you again in September about this.
Videos or live streams to promote you and your wares We’re happy to link to videos and to promote any live streams. This could include: • You doing a virtual tour of your stall. • A video message encouraging people to buy from you. • Existing or new videos in which you demonstrate how to do things, including how to use items you sell.
Here's what it should say on the 3BF website about my videos (including links if already available)
Do you have any other online resources you’d like our customers to be aware of? If so, please put information and links here.
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